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GL Recons Still Using Excel Are DEAD!

In my estimation, about 50% of Group CFOs still base their financial statements on numbers generated from spreadsheets. Which is a problem because nine out of ten spreadsheets contain errors, a fact I have driven home in my previous articles.

As a CFO, I know that the buck stops with you. But how are you supposed to present reports and make accurate forecasts based on numbers you can’t totally trust?

Few businesses can afford the yearly cost to license top-end balance sheet integrity and GL recon software that goes a long way towards reducing risk.

But I’ve got news for you, there are much more affordable financial close options available to reconcile your general ledger. If any of the following frustrations sound all too familiar, get in touch now to learn more about GreenLine balance sheet integrity software. 

1. Fraud Detection 

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could trust your reconciliations and be sure your auditors had frictionless oversight access? Then you could truly rely on the numbers in your financial statements.

It is time to move away from the traditional route of emailing recon spreadsheets and sending supporting documents by courier. This outdated ‘supporting docs in a box’ system makes fraud detection difficult, leaving auditors to rummage through boxes to locate the supporting documents they need. Not to mention that these documents then need to be scanned or retyped before being used.

Surely you have thought to yourself, ‘There must be a better way to do this’?

2. Trust my Numbers 

It is challenging to feel confident about your reporting without being able to trust your numbers.
Company financial reports are constructed from GL balances and if these have errors, they can distort the balance sheet.

Furthermore, trusting the numbers in a balance holds inherent risks for banks lending capital, investors assessing the health of the business and for the company C-suite execs basing strategic decisions on these numbers. It becomes a case of target shooting in the dark.

As a CFO, you need to be confident that your balance sheet is an accurate reflection of the health of your company.

3. Time wasting 

Manually loading transactions into reconciliation spreadsheets piecemeal also wastes time and is extremely error-prone. Duplication of transactions is a relatively common occurrence; and alarmingly, many instances of restating of balance sheet figures have been reported.

It’s a maze of mistake potential: Cut and paste into the wrong locations, formula errors, missing or duplicated rows of data… these are just a few examples of where it could all go wrong. Human error or tampering provides dodgy documentation.

And whenever it’s wrong it’s your credibility that’s potentially on the line. The C-suite wants facts and figures and not excuses.

4. Monitor your month-end 

As a CFO who oversees a manual month-end close, there is no way for you to accurately assess work progress. 

Peering around stacks of boxes, won’t tell which branches have submitted and which have not.

How much more reassuring would it be if you could track the progress of all branches, companies, preparers and checkers from your desk, in real-time?

Chat to me about a solution to all four of these challenges and be able to ensure the integrity of your financials once again.

Followup Article - Solutions:

Moving Away From EXCEL Based GL Recons

About the author

GreenLine Editor

Accountant, auditor, financial close ninja.